You're In The Right Place If

  • You've done Dry January before and it worked...but not for long. You KNOW you need a different approach and something...juicier!!

  • You’re a food and wine connoisseur and you second-guess wanting to quit by thinking that a total break from alcohol is just being extreme.

  • Your drinking is not THAT bad. In fact, part of what keeps you stuck is questioning whether your level of drinking is REALLY cause for concern.

  • You’ve read the Quit Lit and you’ve taken breaks before, but there are still beliefs hanging on that drinking is part of a sophisticated lifestyle and your can’t imagine a European or lake vacation without it!

  • You’re convinced that not drinking would be better for your overall health, but you can’t shake the thought that not ever drinking again seems like cruel punishment or that vacations, girls weekends and celebrations call for a glass of bubbles.

  • You sometimes worry that you’re letting others down if you’re not participating in the drinking.

  • You do great being alcohol-free for about two weeks, and then your brain tells you it’s time for a drink to reward yourself because you’re so good about your health in so many other ways.

  • You know that you’ve got a pretty great life, but you sometimes resent that middle age can feel like we’re losing things (maybe our mobility or flexibility, our identity as mothers or professionals, our profile in an ageist culture, or our hormones (or our marbles, lol!!)

  • AND especially're doing OK stringing days or months together but you’re. not. having. much. fun!!

I get it!! And I know your life can feel so much better than that.

I believe with all my heart that You Deserve A Luscious, Juicy Life.

I was exactly where you are now! I twisted my brain into knots with rationalizations that my drinking wasn’t any worse than anyone else’s in the wine industry or maybe that I didn’t even drink as much as others did! I had absorbed deep cultural messaging around the idea of all things in moderation and that breaking up with alcohol for good seemed extreme. I mean, shouldn’t savvy, well-traveled food and wine enthusiasts (and insiders) be able to moderate? Plus, as long as consumed in moderation, wine’s as healthy as dark chocolate, right?

But I didn't feel well...

I was waking up at 3 a.m. (you too?), beating up on myself. I had brain fog and worried about cognitive function. I had acid reflux. But every afternoon, like a special form of amnesia, I’d forget my middle-of-the-night promise to take the next night off. My attempts to put boundaries around drinking just weren’t working. (well of course they weren’t working - I didn’t have ANY tools or the necessary knowledge!) Until one day when my intuition screamed even louder than it had been screaming. “It doesn’t matter how much other people are drinking compared to you,” it said, “or what a doctor would say. There is only one question to ask. How do you feel? And would you feel a little better with less or none?”

At that same moment, I also heard another message.

“Your drinking doesn’t look like a problem to others (we’re gray-area drinkers after all). So no one is coming. It’s got to be YOU!!”

BUT, I both wanted and didn’t want to do it!! Wine felt like…adulthood, romance, beauty, connection, philosophy, poetry, history, love. It felt like the answer when stressed, bored, excited, sad, blissed. SO, I decided that I wouldn’t give it up after all!! I mean, I would leave the ethanol behind, but I would continue to lap up sensory pleasure, ritual, the art of the table, artisanal products and life itself! That’s what Luscious AF is about! Embracing and savoring sensory pleasure and focusing on delight, awe and the gain is the heart of my approach because it is the quickest and most enduring way to slay the old beliefs about alcohol that hold us back from feeling totally alive and free!

The Luscious AF framework is focused on you thriving, not just on a bottle of wine with an X through it.

You’ll get tools and tactics, and detailed frameworks for setting up for success, so that you’re ready to slather on pleasure and delight, to focus on the gains and to kiss deprivation good-bye!

  • The Dopamine Made Me Do It

    we’ll cover the science of this molecule of motivation so that you never again make a desire for alcohol mean anything about you personally!

  • The Power Of Play

    we’ll dig into the science that supports why play and fun are not extras but are instead essentials that give us a release-valve, get us out of our busy brain, boost our natural dopamine, help us curb cravings and allow us to think more creatively.

  • Emotions As Indicator Lights

    Emotions and stress aren’t meant to be avoided, rather they are there to guide us like indicator lights in the car or clues on a treasure map. Learn some benefits of so-called negative emotions and tactics for processing them.

  • Don't Believe Everything You Think

    it turns out, none of us were taught how to use our true superpower…our own thinking! Learning that most of our thoughts are not true, and learning how to become aware of, challenge and redirect our thoughts will allow you to reconsider thoughts and beliefs about alcohol and just about everything else in your life.

  • Party Bag Of Tricks For Attending Any Event

    we’ve got you covered on how to plan for attending any event alcohol-free with more confidence and ready to wring-out all the juicy data that you’ll collect from it.

  • Staying In The Ritual

    we'll cover why humans crave ritual, the explosion in the NA beverage movement and tips & tactics for being in the party! And Much More!!

Your Course Includes

  • Welcome & orientation videos to lay the foundation

  • 50 videos divided into 12 subject modules (each video is 2-10 minutes; watch one a day with a few days off each week, or set aside one day/week to watch the 4-5 videos for that week's module)

  • A comprehensive journaling guide filled with thought-provoking prompts for each of the 55 videos

  • 18 PDFs - Topical resource guides written by your coach to go deeper into the material

  • A personal email introduction when you enroll with details of how to reach me with any questions

Come Be A Sober Lush With Me!

Email me at [email protected] to get on the waitlist for the Fall 2024 group launch, or to discuss doing the course solo with 1:1 coaching added in!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Journal/Workbook: the essential and juicy journal prompts for each video to fully immerse yourself and make this adventure YOURS.

    1. Lean Into Curiosity & Fascination

    2. You Really Are A Rockstar

    3. It's About Addition Not Subtraction

    4. 4 Key Ways This Approach Is Totally Different

    5. Concoct Your Luscious Vision

    1. Gift-Based Goals vs Shame-Based Goals

    2. This Model Looks Different

    3. An Analogy From The Garden

    4. Slay A Myth About Sobriety

    5. Values Worksheet

    6. The Clear Power Coaching Model

    1. The Dopamine Made Me Do It - Part 1

    2. The Dopamine Made Me Do It - Part 2

    3. The Dopamine Made Me Do It - Part 3

    4. Two More "Bugs" To Learn About

    5. Choose Your Hard

    6. Dopamine - The Motivation Molecule

    7. Dr. Brewer video On How All Human Brains Are Wired To Crave & How To Reorder Reward Value

    1. Setting Up For Success

    2. Tips From Habit Change Experts

    3. It's All About Systems

    4. Don't Do Too Much At Once

    5. Setting Up For Success & Navigating Cravings

    1. Thoughts Are Just Things & Don't Define You

    2. You're Not Negative But Your Thoughts Can Be

    3. The ACT Technique - A New Superpower

    4. What Makes A Good Guest/Host

    5. Thought Work/ACT Technique Worksheet

    6. Dr. Daniel Amen's 9 Species of ANTs - Automatic Negative Thoughts

About this course

  • $599.00
  • 78 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

Ready to embrace more of life's pleasures not less?!

Here, we focus on what we're saying YES to when we say no to a drink!


  • What makes this program work and why is it different?

    Most coaching packages and programs focus on the behavior, they don’t “fill your cup back up” and they don’t show you how to stay stopped and enjoy it! And none of them were specifically created to address the concerns of the savvy food and wine connoisseur. Once I realized that alcohol was taking more than giving, I found in This Naked Mind the compelling science I needed and the tactics to take a 30-day break and to start to question old beliefs about alcohol. And while other people on the journey seemed to be asking the question, without alcohol, will I ever have fun again? -- I wanted to ask something bigger, like how can I get back in the driver's seat and create a more engaged, joyful, full-bodied and luscious life, filled with connection and meaning? I didn't see that anywhere, so I created it!

  • What can I expect from this program?

    I’m giving you permission to make this a 3-month luscious sabbatical! Steep yourself in the content, and follow my prompts and suggestions to layer on multi-sensory practices, activities and rewards! You will be significantly upping your joie de vivre! You can expect a heaping serving of inspiration and motivation! You’ll experience shifts in the stories you’re telling yourself about this journey and the way you identify. You’ll begin to train your brain to see more delight and to spot more opportunities to get what YOU want out of social events and life in general.

  • What's the time commitment?

    You decide! This program is for you! For each week, there are 4-5 videos and each is only 2-10 minutes long. Each video has a journaling prompt(s) that you are encouraged to engage with. When run as a small group, participants are not expected to attend all calls! Each call is 75 minutes but of course folks can just let me know and drop whenever they need to! There's no pressure, and no feeling "behind!" Everyone will have access to the material for as long as they want!!

  • Why now?

    I think you and I are at a cross-roads in life. And frankly, we get to choose what comes next. Clearing alcohol out of the way restores our ability to think more clearly, more creatively, more expansively. I’m guessing you’ve spent enough time taking care of others! In fact, you might have even supplied the fuel for someone else’s rocket, or the nurturing mama bird that helped your kiddos fly the nest. Now is the perfect time to take a heaping helping of sumptuous self-care, pleasure and adventure, and fuel your own delicious journey.

What Clients Are Saying...

“OH MY GOSH........Martha. You have really and truly, quickly figured out what I am hoping to do with this, and the attitude that I would like to adopt.  I KNEW there needed to be a different way!”

Ais, Portland, 46

“Her enthusiasm and positive energy was contagious and I knew at once that I wanted what she had! For me, Martha’s insightful advice put me "over the top” and gave me a new lease on life.”

SH, Alabama, 72

“You are very gifted at what you are doing and have helped me to accomplish something I truly was starting to doubt would ever happen and that is to actually change my thinking about alcohol having any benefit in my life at all.  Through your knowledge, positivity, good communication, and nonjudgmental attitude you have helped me make a major change for the better in my life. ”

Beth, California, 56

“Martha is such a fantastic coach! She is knowledgeable, caring, supportive, nonjudgmental, positive, fun and is always sharing fun, positive things about an AF life.”

Abby, CT, 58

“I have to say your videos are incredibly inspiring and exactly what I need at this point in my alcohol free journey. ”

Erin, Atlanta, 58

“I feel so much more jazzed and changing my energy toward excitement and fascination about my future. I was falling into a victim mentality before I met you. ”

Beth, Charlotte, 46

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